Sciatica is a medical condition which is associated with the Sciatica nerve. It is a largest nerve in the body and begins from the nerves root in the spinal cord and ends in the lower limb. The irritation of the sciatica nerve causes pain which may be mild or extreme. In medical term, it is known as sciatica nerve pain which is occurred because of lumbar disc herniation. Extreme pressure on the nerve, irritation and inflammation are the causes that increase the risk of sciatica nerve pain. Causes of Sciatica It is believed that narrowing of the spinal canal in the lower bck is the main cause for the sciatica. And this condition is medically termed as Lumber Spinal Stenosis. Apart from that, Degenrative disc disease, Spondylolisthesis and pregnancy are the common causes for the sciatica pain. This condition is very painful if the victims is overweight, living unhealthy lifestyle and sleeping on soft mattress. Common Symptoms of Sciatica Lower back pain is a very common sy...
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