There are lots of discussion about overweight and Obesity but still this condition growing rapidly. What is overweight – an excessive body fat which can increase the risk of developing other health problems. In other words, imbalance of energy in the body, which means more calories consumed than calories expended. Everyone has a dream to get a lean body but it is possible when energy balance. For the balance of energy or to maintain healthy weight you need to consume calories equal to the calories burned by body. There are numbers of factors that influence your body weight such as genetic factor, Hypothyroidism, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity etc. According to the WHO reports, millions of people around the world are obese. According to the 2014 report out of 100, 39 percent adults were obese and 13 percent were suffering with overweight. Overweight is also common among teenager and children. Most of the teenager are overweight because of eating fatty- foods like burger, ...
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